Der Homepage Canvas im 'Informatik-Aktuell'-Magazin

Der von mir entwickelte Homepage Canvas hat nun einen Artikel in dem renommierten Fachmagazin 'Informatik-Aktuell'!

Recipe Recommender - My Bachelor Thesis

I wrote my Bachelor Thesis about algorithms for personalized recipe recommendations - here are some insights!

Exploring the Homepage Canvas: A Guide to Strategic Website Planning

In the realm of website development, having a clear roadmap can make all the difference between a successful project and one that falls short of expectations. Clear communication between web developers and clients is essential, not only for satisfying results, but also for enjoyable teamwork. This is where the Homepage Canvas comes into play - a versatile tool designed to simplify communication, enhance collaboration and help with collecting and structuring ideas, wishes and preferences for website projects.

Building OneFlow: Crafting an Effortless Jekyll Theme for One-Pager Websites

Join me on the journey of crafting OneFlow, a Jekyll theme designed for seamless One-Pager websites. Why did I choose a GitHub repository over the conventional official theme route? The answer is as straightforward as OneFlow's structure. Let's delve into the code and explore why this laid-back approach aligns with my vision.

How I VERY successfully used ChatGPT for Exam Preparation - and how it can help you

Studying for exams can be a daunting task, but my recent experience with an oral exam was transformed by an unlikely ally - ChatGPT. In this post, I'll share how I utilized ChatGPT to prepare for my exam effectively and how it can help you as well.

In 5 Schritten zu deiner eigenen Website

So läuft unsere Zusammenarbeit ab, sodass du in 5 Schritten eine Website ganz nach deinem Geschmack bekommst

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #3 - Meta-Tags

In den Posts dieser Reihe möchte ich euch zeigen, was ihr tun könnt, um eure Seite für Suchmaschinen zu optimieren. Im dritten Post geht es um Meta-Tags.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #2 - URL-Struktur

In den Posts dieser Reihe möchte ich euch zeigen, was ihr tun könnt, um eure Seite für Suchmaschinen zu optimieren. Im zweiten Post geht es um URL-Struktur

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #1 - Benennung von Bildern & Alternative Texte

In den Posts dieser Reihe möchte ich euch zeigen, was ihr tun könnt, um eure Seite für Suchmaschinen zu optimieren. Im ersten Post geht es um Benennung von Bildern & Alternative Texte