Customer Journey

1. Free Initial Consultation

  • We start with a free consultation via your preferred means of communication (WhatsApp, Telegram, email, video calls, or in person over coffee. Coffee is on me!).
  • You'll share your wishes and ideas. You can also use the "Homepage Canvas" I created, a tool to help you brainstorm and communicate your needs clearly and easily.

2. Understanding Your Needs

  • I will let you know if I need any additional information or photos from you to proceed.

3. Creating the First Draft

  • I will create the first draft of your site based on our discussion and your provided information.

4. Reviewing and Feedback

  • I will show you the draft, and you can provide feedback and suggest any changes you want.
  • We will revise the site until you are completely happy with it.
  • I guarantee your satisfaction - or I work for free! If you want to learn more, read the money-back guarantee terms or just ask me.

5. Launching Your Website

  • No further work for you! With the Comfort Web Success Package or if you've booked the Hosting & Setup, I will take care of everything else. I'll put your website online under your desired domain, ensuring it stays functional and uninterrupted.
  • If not, I will provide guidance on how to do this yourself.

6. Annual Check-Up and Update

  • This service is included in the Comfort Web Success Package or can be booked as an additional service.
  • Once a year, at a time that suits you, we will reconvene. You can tell me any updates or changes you want, and I'll provide feedback on new web trends, design possibilities, and optimization opportunities.
  • Together, we will decide on any updates or changes to keep your website current and effective.
  • If you haven't booked this service, you can still get back to me with any questions or concerns!

7. Ongoing Support

  • For small changes, you can always reach out to me for free, and I'll get it done for you!
  • For larger updates, I offer affordable website updates ranging from €99 to €299, depending on your needs.
  • With the Annual Check-Up or the Comfort Web Success Package, one update per year is included.
  • So no worries, I got you covered!